Debtors Anonymous (DA) is a twelve-step program for people who want to stop incurring unsecured debt.

National 12 step meetings and Anonymous Groups is a growing repository of meeting data for all well-known established 12 step groups. From coast-to-coast in the USA, this is a growing and free resource to update meetings for all anonymous 12 step groups. The purpose is simple. Provide necessary logistics via maps, precisely the location of a community of people seeking recovery in a private setting. Often times, there isn’t one resource that compiles the meeting locations for all groups, thereby making attendance quite difficult and threatening to one’s recovery. We hope that with your participation, we collectively are able to achieve this goal.

12 Step National Meetings is operated by Sober Group LLC, whose focus, passion, and reason for being resides in our commitment to help addiction treatment and sober living entities grow and thrive in the digital world. Our job is to create relevant and lasting connections between treatment professionals and the clients who seek them.

A Magnetic Procedure to Unite all Your Debts - An Overwhelming Feeling Have you ever felt like your mailbox has become a bill deposit receptacle? Has your calculator been running low making endless equations trying to figure out how to pay all your debts? Have you started attending SA (Spendaholic Anonymous) meetings? Have you unplugged your telephone just to avoid collection agency calls? Are […]
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Debtors Anonymous (DA) is a 12-step program intended to assist those who suffer with debt and spending addiction. The program stresses personal responsibility, accountability, and self-awareness and is based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other 12-step programs. 


Debt and compulsive spending may significantly impair a person’s financial security, interpersonal connections, and general quality of life. DA offers a safe and friendly atmosphere in where persons working towards recovery may share their stories, strength, and hope with one another. 


The 12 stages of Debtors Anonymous are similar to those of other 12-step programs, but they are customized to the requirements of persons who suffer with debt and compulsive spending. The program encourages people to take responsibility for their own well-being, cultivate strong connections with others, and cultivate healthy financial habits to manage their resources. 


The first stage of DA is to acknowledge helplessness in the face of debt and compulsive spending. This phase enables people to recognize their inability to regulate their spending patterns and their need for assistance to stop the cycle of debt. The second step is acknowledging the need for a higher power in the healing process, and the third step is deciding to surrender one’s life to this force. 


The fourth phase is doing a moral inventory of oneself, analyzing one’s behavior patterns, and identifying any negative habits that may be contributing to the debt and compulsive spending. The fifth step is to acknowledge one’s shortcomings to oneself, a higher power, and another person. This stage is intended to assist people in letting go of shame and guilt and beginning the healing process. 


The sixth stage is preparing to have these flaws eliminated, while the seventh step entails respectfully requesting that the higher authority remove them. The eighth stage is compiling a list of all those injured by debt and excessive spending and being ready to make apologies. The ninth step is to make direct reparations whenever feasible, unless doing so will do oneself or others damage. 


The eleventh stage is continuing to conduct personal inventory and acknowledging faults without delay. The eleventh step is attempting to strengthen one’s conscious connection with a higher power via prayer, meditation, or other spiritual activities. The twelfth and final phase entails spreading the DA message to others who may be battling with debt and compulsive spending, as well as applying these concepts in all aspects of life. 


Finding a sponsor, or a more experienced member who can give direction and support during the recovery process, is also emphasized by DA. As people move through the 12 stages, sponsors may give practical counsel, share their own experiences, and provide accountability. 


A distinguishing feature of DA is its emphasis on the financial elements of addiction. Those who may be dealing with debt or financial difficulty are provided with tools and help, and they are encouraged to build good financial habits for managing their money. 


DA also highlights the significance of community development and member connections. Individuals are encouraged to attend frequent gatherings where they may share their experiences and provide one another support. Also, DA gives tools and assistance to those who may be struggling to comprehend and manage their addiction. 


The purpose of DA is not to replace conventional financial or psychological therapy, but to supplement it. Individuals are encouraged to consult with a financial adviser or other healthcare expert, if required, and to seek further help outside of the group. 


Concerns have been made by critics of DA over the program’s tendency to perpetuate shame and guilt or encourage people to blame themselves for their financial issues. Yet, DA promotes personal responsibility and accountability and encourages people to take charge of their financial circumstances and strive toward a more secure financial future.