Sex Addicts Anonymous is an organization for anyone who desires support from others in recovering from compulsive sexual behavior. Meetings are held throughout the country, sometimes face-to-face, but increasingly online because of convenience. Follow these steps to join Sex Addicts Anonymous.
Look online or in your local telephone directory for a Sex Addicts Anonymous group in your area. Call or email the local chapter for more information on meeting days, times and locations.
Realize that meetings are being held online more and more often, so you may need computer and Internet access to attend. If you don’t have a computer, see if you can use one at your local library or another public establishment.
Be aware that Sex Addicts Anonymous is not a meeting where you go to pick up on people. The members are there to share experiences and give nonjudgmental support to one another.
Know that the meetings are not a place where people share details of their sexual behavior. It is a place where people learn to lead healthy lives, free from sexual addiction.
Understand that groups use the 12 Step and 12 Traditions methods of Sex Addicts Anonymous during meetings. If you’d like to form a group, you only need two people. There are no membership dues or fees.
Recognize when scanning an online Sex Addicts Anonymous site that there are several different types of meetings. There is an online meeting, where people communicate by typing on their computers, a telemeeting, where members communicate through a telephone conference call and a WebCall meeting, which is held online, but is like having telephone conversations via computer.