Affordable Drug Addiction Treatment
Drug addiction is a formidable illness to overcome for people with adequate insurance, a good job and intact social supports. For marginalized and impoverished drug dependent people, the challenge to get drug addiction treatment is often even greater. These individuals must cope with drug addiction and inadequate access to treatment, insufficient education, few job skills and a lack of housing. They may be living in a neighborhood characterized by violence, a high incidence of drug use and drug markets that are characterized by violence and depredation. These social problems exacerbate drug addiction and, ultimately, make recovery more difficult to achieve and sustain.
Solutions For Addiction Treatment Are Varied
A good addiction treatment response for many chronic addicts depends on a patient’s ability to take medication as directed and to change behaviors, such as diet or exercise patterns. People with low socio-economic status have more difficulty adhering to both medication and behavioral regimens. Thus, marginalized individuals require a more comprehensive treatment approach that addresses both the addiction and the related problems that affect treatment outcome. Individuals must receive comprehensive services to improve their lives and develop their potential as students, employees and as family members.