Is a 12-Step Alcohol Rehab Center Right for You?
The 12-step model developed in 1935 by Bill W. to combat alcoholism quickly grew into Alcoholics Anonymous, and from there into 12-step groups aimed at recovery from drug addiction, overeating, gambling and a wide range of other addictive behaviors. AA is the most widespread and well known of all treatment options for alcoholism, and provides the therapeutic basis for a great many alcohol rehab centers.
Twelve-step programs are designed to work in three dimensions: physical, mental and spiritual. It is a basic tenet of 12-step programs that alcoholism is an incurable disease, and that complete abstinence is the only effective way to manage that disease. Another important aspect of such programs is a sense of community. Each member has a sponsor, an individual who agrees to make him or herself available as support and as a resource for the member’s recovery. Members of AA are also expected to reach out to other alcoholics whenever possible, and to make amends with those who have been affected by their actions while addicted. AA meetings are free, and can be found just about anywhere.