Cocaine addiction
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Cocaine addiction and alcoholism are both serious conditions that destroy families and lives. Overcoming them begins with acknowledging the scope of the problem and resolving to seek help. From there, the treatment options depend on the particular needs of the patient.
Before other treatments can begin, the patient needs to get the alcohol and cocaine out of his system. Both substances carry withdrawal symptoms, so detoxifying should take place only under the care of a trained professional.
Therapy acts to uncover and resolve the roots of the cocaine or alcohol addiction as well as teach the patient ways to address the cravings for his drug of choice.
Certain forms of medication, such as disulfiram or gabitrol, are useful in mitigating cocaine and alcohol addiction after detoxification. Gabitrol is used as an anticonvulsant, while disulfiram creates nausea whenever the patient takes either alcohol or cocaine.
Self-Help Groups
Self-help groups like Cocaine Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous host group sessions where the patient can talk with fellow cocaine addicts and set recovery goals. They serve in a long-term capacity, supporting the patient for many years after he takes his last drink or snort.
Avoiding Relapses
Any treatment for substance addiction acknowledges the risk of a relapse. Recovering cocaine addicts learn to recognize times and places where a relapse is likely to occur and learn to avoid them.