Alateen known as Al-Anon Family Groups, is an international “fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems.”

National 12 step meetings and Anonymous Groups is a growing repository of meeting data for all well-known established 12 step groups. From coast-to-coast in the USA, this is a growing and free resource to update meetings for all anonymous 12 step groups. The purpose is simple. Provide necessary logistics via maps, precisely the location of a community of people seeking recovery in a private setting. Often times, there isn’t one resource that compiles the meeting locations for all groups, thereby making attendance quite difficult and threatening to one’s recovery. We hope that with your participation, we collectively are able to achieve this goal.

12 Step National Meetings is operated by Sober Group, whose focus, passion, and reason for being resides in our commitment to help addiction treatment and sober living entities grow and thrive in the digital world. Our job is to create relevant and lasting connections between treatment professionals and the clients who seek them.

Al-Anon’s 12 Concepts of Service Al-Anon’s 12 Concepts of Service The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions are guides for personal growth and group unity. The Twelve Concepts are guides for service. They show how Twelve Step work can be done on a broad scale and how members of a World Service Office can relate to each other and to the […]
Al-Anon’s 12 Traditions These guidelines are a means of promoting harmony and growth in Al-Anon groups and in the worldwide fellowship of Al-Anon as a whole. Our group experience suggests that our unity depends upon our adherence to these Traditions. Our common welfare should come first; personal progress for the greatest number depends upon unity. For our group […]
Define Alcohol Abuse or Problem Drinker Alcoholism is a serious, debilitating disease which literally destroys lives. Problem drinkers are those whose alcohol abuse has adversely affected their lives, causing adverse issues in most or all areas of their lives. The nature of alcohol abuse often means there are underlying unresolved issues plaguing the problem drinker. Temperament Problem drinkers often are in […]
Has Your Life Been Affected By Someone Else’s Drinking? Alateen Is For You! Alateen is for young people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Sometimes the active drinking has stopped, or the active drinker may not live with us anymore. Even though the alcohol may be gone, and the alcoholic gone or recovering in AA, we are still affected. Many of us have received help […]
How Do Drugs & Alcohol Affect Families? According to the Betty Ford Center, a national study on drug use and abuse in 2004 showed that 8.5 million Americans age 12 years and older were addicted to alcohol and another 5 million were addicted to another drug. That is far more than the current population of New York City, the nation’s largest city. […]

Alateen is a support group for adolescents whose lives have been impacted by the addiction of a parent or other family member. The group is based on the 12-step program and offers a safe and supportive environment for adolescents to discuss their experiences, develop coping skills, and find hope and healing. 


Alateen is a subgroup of Al-Anon, which is a support group for those impacted by the alcoholism or addiction of another person. Alateen was designed particularly for adolescents, whose experiences and demands may vary from those of adults in comparable circumstances. The program is free and available to anybody aged 12 to 20 who has been touched by another person’s addiction. 


The 12 steps of recovery are a set of spiritual concepts that were created in the 1930s by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The steps are designed to lead individuals through the process of recognizing their powerlessness over addiction, finding a higher power, making apologies for past transgressions, and living a life of service and appreciation. Although the 12 steps were first designed within a Christian setting, they have subsequently been altered and accepted by recovery organizations around the globe. 


Alateen explores the 12 steps from a relevant and approachable viewpoint for adolescents. The group stresses the significance of candor, an open mind, and willingness in the rehabilitation process. Members are invited to discuss their experiences and emotions in a supportive setting, as well as to listen to and support one another. 


The concept of yielding to a higher power is one of the 12 steps’ central tenets. This might be a tough notion for many adolescents, since they may not have a strong spiritual or religious upbringing. Alateen urges its members to choose a greater power that works for them, whether it a higher power of their own understanding, the organization itself, or the support of their family and friends. 


Making apologies for past wrongs is another crucial part of the 12 steps. Alateen stresses the significance of accepting responsibility for one’s behavior and realizing the effects of addiction on oneself and others. Participants may go through the stages with a sponsor, who is an older member of the group who has successfully completed the steps and may provide advice and support. 


Alateen also promotes self-care and the development of good coping skills. Members may be taught stress management practices such as mindfulness, deep breathing, and journaling. The group also offers a secure and supportive environment for kids to share their thoughts and emotions, which is particularly crucial for those who may feel alone or embarrassed of their experiences. 


Alateen may include other resources and techniques into their recovery path, in addition to the 12 steps. The group may provide instructional materials about addiction and its impacts, as well as tips on healthy communication and limits. In addition, members may engage in social events and activities, which can foster connections and a feeling of community. 


Alateen is not intended to replace conventional medical or psychiatric therapy for substance abuse or mental health disorders; rather, it is intended to supplement them. Members are encouraged to seek professional assistance and to collaborate with a therapist or other supportive people outside of the group as necessary. The club does not advocate any one religious or spiritual belief system; rather, it accepts people from all backgrounds and encourages them to discover what works for them. 


Alateen is distinguished by its emphasis on peer assistance. Several adolescents may feel alone or alienated as a result of their experiences, and they may not feel comfortable discussing their emotions with adults or authoritative figures. Alateen offers a community for adolescents to connect with others who have had similar experiences and find support and understanding. 


Also, Alateen stresses the need of maintaining good connections with family members who may be battling addiction.