Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) is a California Non-Profit, Public Benefit Corporation working as a twelve-step fellowship of recovered and recovering methamphetamine addicts.

National 12 step meetings and Anonymous Groups is a growing repository of meeting data for all well-known established 12 step groups. From coast-to-coast in the USA, this is a growing and free resource to update meetings for all anonymous 12 step groups. The purpose is simple. Provide necessary logistics via maps, precisely the location of a community of people seeking recovery in a private setting. Often times, there isn’t one resource that compiles the meeting locations for all groups, thereby making attendance quite difficult and threatening to one’s recovery. We hope that with your participation, we collectively are able to achieve this goal.

12 Step National Meetings is operated by Sober Group LLC, whose focus, passion, and reason for being resides in our commitment to help addiction treatment and sober living entities grow and thrive in the digital world. Our job is to create relevant and lasting connections between treatment professionals and the clients who seek them.

12 Step Rehab Center And Detox Center Meth Detox Program Options For those who have succeeded in finding lasting sobriety from methamphetamine addiction, the knowledge that there is a path to recovery is sure. A”>detox program is the beginning to a path of personal discovery and freedom. There are tens of millions of individuals who have traveled this path, and though […]
12 Step Substance Abuse Meeting People struggling with their use of crystal methamphetamine (meth, speed, crystal, ice) sometimes find it helpful to get support from others trying to beat their addiction. Some people find support in a
12 Step Substance Abuse Meeting People struggling with their use of crystal methamphetamine (meth, speed, crystal, ice) sometimes find it helpful to get support from others trying to beat their addiction. Some people find support in a
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A Drug Addiction Treatment Center Can Give You The Solutions To Help You Get Sober Are You Or A Loved One Looking For Addiction Treatment Answers? If you or a loved one are suffering from a problem with drugs or alcohol and you are ready to seek addiction treatment in order to begin the process of recovery, you want to be sure that you will have the best opportunity to […]

Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) is a 12-step program meant to assist persons with crystal methamphetamine addiction. The program stresses personal responsibility, accountability, and self-awareness and is based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other 12-step programs. 


Crystal methamphetamine, sometimes known as “meth,” is a highly addictive stimulant substance that may significantly impair a person’s physical and mental health, relationships, and general quality of life. CMA offers a safe and supportive atmosphere in which persons working toward recovery may share their stories, strength, and hope with one another. 


CMA’s 12 steps are similar to those of other 12-step programs, but are adapted to the requirements of persons who battle with crystal methamphetamine addiction. The program promotes people to take responsibility for their own well-being, develop healthy coping methods to handle triggers and stresses, and cultivate meaningful connections with others. 


The first stage in crystal methamphetamine addiction treatment is to acknowledge helplessness over one’s crystal methamphetamine addiction. This stage urges people to accept their inability to manage their drug use and their need for assistance to stop the cycle of addiction. The second step is acknowledging the need for a higher power in the healing process, and the third step is deciding to surrender one’s life to this force. 


The fourth phase is doing a moral inventory, reviewing one’s behavior patterns, and identifying any bad habits that may be contributing to the addiction. The fifth step is to acknowledge one’s shortcomings to oneself, a higher power, and another person. This stage is intended to assist people in letting go of shame and guilt and beginning the healing process. 


The sixth stage is preparing to have these flaws eliminated, while the seventh step entails respectfully requesting that the higher authority remove them. Making a list of all those who have been damaged by the addiction and being willing to make apologies to them is the eighth step. The ninth step is to make direct reparations whenever feasible, unless doing so will do oneself or others damage. 


The eleventh stage is continuing to conduct personal inventory and acknowledging faults without delay. The eleventh step is attempting to strengthen one’s conscious connection with a higher power via prayer, meditation, or other spiritual activities. The twelfth and final stage is to disseminate the message of CMA to those who may be battling crystal methamphetamine addiction and to use these principles in all aspects of one’s life. 


CMA also stresses the need of having a sponsor, or a more experienced member who can provide direction and support during the recovery process. As people move through the 12 stages, sponsors may give practical counsel, share their own experiences, and provide accountability. 


One of the distinctive features of CMA is its emphasis on the physical and mental health repercussions of crystal methamphetamine addiction. The program offers tools and assistance for persons who may be experiencing withdrawal symptoms or who have suffered physical or mental health impairment as a consequence of their substance abuse. 


CMA also highlights the value of community development and member connections. Individuals are encouraged to attend frequent gatherings where they may share their experiences and provide one another support. CMA also offers tools and assistance to anyone who may be struggling to comprehend and manage their addiction. 


CMA is not meant to replace conventional medical or psychiatric therapy for addiction or other associated conditions; rather, it is designed to supplement it. Individuals are encouraged to engage with a therapist or other healthcare professional, if necessary, and to seek further help outside of the group.