In this competitive day and age, some people are willing to go to great lengths to gain and advantage over their perceived rivals. This competitiveness can take many forms. Some may take the route of using substances to enhance their performance of the task at hand. This is perhaps most mildly expressed in the prevalence of caffeine use. In other arenas, however, the performance-enhancing substance can be far more dangerous. One prime example of this is the rash of steroid addiction that has broken out in various circles, most notably among professional and student athletes.
Steroid addiction is a relatively new problem. These kinds of drugs have only recently become widely available. Their use quickly became commonplace, adding to the difficulty in identifying this as a problem. When the use of a substance is generally accepted by peers and by society at large, it is easier to deny that a problem exists. It is only recently that the negative side effects of this kind of drug abuse have been identified.
Fortunately, however, the increased awareness of the problems associated with steroid addiction has lead to a concurrent increase in treatment options. While drug and