If you know that you have an addiction problem and are thinking about getting help, then this article will be useful to you. Below is information on choosing a non 12 step rehab program. For many individuals that undergo addiction treatment, attending a regular program based on the twelve steps isn’t always successful. You may have tried this program previously and it didn’t work out in the end. There are many factors to consider when selecting a center for you.
The main thing involved with attending a twelve steps program is the reflection on God. For some patients, this may not be comfortable or even appealing for them in regards to their addiction treatment. That’s why a non 12 step rehab program could be a better option. This type of rehabilitation will still treat the individual with the care they need but, will not be based on making an affirmation with God. Looking into who you are will definitely need to happen during the rehab process. But, avoiding the focus on religion will usually lead to a longer sustained recovery.
As you do research into selecting a non 12 step rehab center in your area, you should make a list of pros and cons that you would want from a center. Is the type of location important to your recovery? Should it be located in a natural setting and if so, which kind? Would you need to attend an outpatient program based on your job commitments? These are an example of some very important questions to begin listing. By making a list, you’ll be able to look at the information that the centers provide and weigh the pros and cons which should help with your selection.
The next step you can take is to start contacting non 12 step rehab programs. By calling the centers, you’ll be able to talk with a trained professional who will be able to speak with you about the services offered and answer your questions. They’ll be able to give you an initial consultation and provide you with resources that you can use immediately. You should definitely contact as many centers as possible. The more information and knowledge you have about programs, the better the selection process will go and hopefully the better your recovery. Good luck as you continue your research on attending a non 12 step rehab program.