Getting Help With Cocaine Addiction Therapy
Cocaine effects are extremely detrimental on the body and the consequences related to cocaine effects can eventually lead to permanent damage, addiction and even death. Even if you have only used cocaine once, you can experience short-term cocaine effects that could tempt you to use again. For example, increased energy, decreased appetite, and increased heart rate and blood pressure. Cocaine addiction therapy is an excellent way to control these urges.
Get Help With Cocaine Addiction Therapy
Chronic cocaine users will see the effects of long-term use, such as, paranoia, irritability, restlessness, auditory hallucinations, and mood disturbances. Chronic users will also develop a higher tolerance for the drug over time. Many time addicts will “chase the high”, meaning they continue to use cocaine seeking the feeling they felt the first time they used it. For people addicted to cocaine, this high will never again be felt in the same way, and this type of addiction can lead to insanity and death.