Cocaine Rehab
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The first step at cocaine rehab is to cleanse the body of the toxins overuse of the drug has brought into the system. This may take anywhere between four and ten months after intervention by a cocaine detox center. The actual treatment commences once the body mechanism and chemicals come back to normal.
This is followed by cocaine addiction treatment programs that lessen the craving. Drugs such as dopamine show good effect in helping the cocaine addict have a reduced feeling of longing. Acupuncture is also a proven method in this step.
Finally, cocaine rehab centers include counseling, family therapy, psychotherapy, education about drug abuse and addiction, acupuncture, and relaxation training as part of the treatment. These may or may not require hospitalization, and is individual-specific.
Some programs like Employee Assistance Programs and Cocaine Anonymous are also undertaken. Under the former, employers take measures that bring back the cocaine-addicted employee back to the mainstream, once the management has taken note of cocaine addictions in the workplace. 12 step anonymous groups such as