Are you searching a drug or alcohol treatment center in California? Then, you are not the only one. California is having a number of addiction treatment centers than any other state. As alcohol and drug abuse has increased, the number of rehabilitation clinics has grown.There are so many rehab centers, that it is important to find the right one. You want a place that will help you. It must have an experienced staff and a good reputation.
But, it is hard to find the right place. Treatment varies from one person to the next, so it is hard to judge a clinic’s success rate. And, there are so many methods of treatment; there is no ‘right way’ or standard treatment methodology, so that makes the search more difficult.
But the most important factor is that rehab is for YOU. This is an important part of your life, and you can’t take chances.
Here is a rundown of some of the most widely known and reputable clinics:
Harmony Place
There are various causes for problem drinking. Some are physical, some are emotional or psychological, and some are spiritual. Harmony Place addresses this issue by offering multi-dimensional rehabilitation. Their program addresses each facet of the problem.
The goal is to give the patient a wholly fulfilling life, and the program is designed with that in mind. That is its goal. The point is to solve the problem in the mind, body and spirit.
Support Systems Homes
Support Systems Homes (SSH) is highly accredited, and they’ve been around since 1991. At SSH, they have a full program that offers detoxification, outpatient and lots of other things to help you continue your new lifestyle after you leave.
SSH focuses on long-term care. They teach you ways of coping that you can use for the rest of your life. One of the biggest challenges in rehab is not to stop someone from drinking, but to keep them from starting again when they have problems. SSH’s program is aimed at teaching you life skills to prevent this from happening.
The Camp Recovery Center
The Camp Recovery Center is in the beautiful redwood forest. They believe the location is a factor in helping people to change their lives. They offer detoxification, outpatient and also internet consultation as part of their outpatient care.
The Camp has a 12-step program that recognizes excessive drinking as a disease. Their program focuses on integrating the process of rehabilitation with art, education and recreation, in addition to the traditional methods of therapy.
Oasis Center
The Oasis Center models itself after an oasis in the desert. Here you can escape from everything and concentrate on recovering before you get back to your routine life. They offer 30, 60 and 90 day programs. In addition to rehabilitation, they educate you to reintegrate yourself back into the everyday world when you are ready.