Choosing the right alcohol and drug rehab center can make all the difference when it comes to entering long-term recovery from an addiction.
The six best questions to ask every Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center:.
1. How does the treatment center define success and what is their success rate?
Many drug and alcohol treatment centers will have independent reviews of their success. However, success can be measured in many ways. One drug and alcohol treatment center may say they have a 74% success rate, but only be considering clients who remain sober for 6 months; another 2. Are they accredited as a drug rehab center? And if so by whom?
There are a handful of national accreditation organizations including Joint Commission On Accreditation Of Healthcare Organizations (JACHO) and Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), among others. Organizations accredited by these bodies frequently have undergone site reviews and have measured up to national standards.
3. What are the credentials of their staff?
Most states have a system for credentialing drug and alcohol counselors. These individuals may be Certified Addictions Counselors (CAC) or Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CADC). These are minimum certifications, lead counselors should hold be MSW or LCSW level or higher.
4. Do they provide medically supervised withdrawal?
With some drugs proper withdrawal supervision can be a matter of life or death. If the treatment center does not have a detox center can they recommend one for attendance prior to treatment.
5. What does a typical week in their drug rehab facility look like?
There should be a balance of group and individual therapy. Education sessions, opportunities for reflection and support groups along with other components.
6. Can the provide testimonials?
True, no treatment center would put on display their failures, but they should be able to tell you about their successes.