Drug and alcohol treatment centers treat substance abuse–as well as key issues that arise when treating individuals– with varying degrees of success. There are usually multiple disorders involved including underlying issues which are discovered in the course of treatment. Centers are most successful when they give combined medical, mental health, psychosocial support, and cognitive behavioral therapy, teaching addicts the ability to handle and control many risk factors on their own.
Drug and alcohol treatment centers which provide more mental health and psychosocial services during treatment are associated with a higher rate of success; and individuals are less likely to recidivate. The most successful approach seems to be combining strategies. So that is the way most centers handle their issues–with the potential utility of integrated approach-programs.
What to Expect at Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers
The current treatments available cross the broad spectrum of social, rehab and hospital / hospice care. In fact, within all arenas of treatment, the prevailing trend of care and treatment engages the addict in his or her own cure by emphasizing patient education as the primary core of treatment. Education is a key factor.
Therapeutic group processes are all about teaching the individual