Free From the Pull of Cocaine, Recovering Addicts Find Drug-Free Lifestyles Following Drug and Alcohol Treatment for Cocaine
Once a coke addict ‘hits rock bottom’ – a point at which they can’t get enough of the drug and can’t find enough money to pay for it or things of value to pawn, steal, or trade for it – they eventually realize that they need to seek help for their drug problem.
The most important step in changing the above behaviors and factors is to first detox from cocaine. Living free from the drug’s pull, detoxification will cease the enabling and abusive behaviors and physical need for cocaine, a severely addictive drug.
An alkaloid obtained from the coca plant found mainly in South America, the analgestic, euphoric, and pain relieving properties of cocaine have been in existence and use since prior to the 16th century.
From Actors to Politicians, Cocaine’s Reach Extends Throughout Society
Cocaine was and is still now a high profile drug. You can’t surf the Internet, watch the news, or even walk around town without hearing about the latest pop star, actor, public figure, or politician being caught up in some sort of drug scandal; many believe that because of cocaine’s availability, it is more commonly the drug involved in many high profile cases.