Each and every addicted gambler has speaking the words “Please help me stop gambling” at one point or anther in their life. Daily they continue to struggle to stop their hidden gambling addiction. Unluckily it goes unnoticed by co-workers, friends and family until things have gotten way out of control. They become frantic individuals looking for away out but no one hears their cries for help. Those closest to them know something’s wrong but don’t know what it is or what to do. The struggle continues until the compulsive gambler’s admits that they have a problem gambling. Even then it still is a struggle for the gambler to refrain from gambling.The compulsive gambler’s bills begin to pile up and they realize everyone is going to discover that they lost everything on a game of chance. The compulsive gambler looks back over the past few years and realizes what they had done to their life. They knew a year ago there was a problem gambling and they could have stopped, but they could not. They ask themselves “why is this happening to me?” And “What did I do to deserve this?” They never hurt deliberately meant to hurt anyone. Their struggle to keep it in control became more and more difficult with each passing day. They sometimes begin to panic and see that there is no way out. They exhibit signs of hostility and emotional outbursts. Then the smallest amount of good news brings back their optimism. Their mind begins to wander and before you know it they are gambling again. Only to repeat the negative self destructive pattern over and over again. This is a terrible way for the gambler to live and their struggle to stop gambling continues.
Compulsive gamblers refuse to tell anyone how they are feeling inside which cause the self destructive behavior to continue. They don’t want anyone to know especially their family. However there are brief moments where they let their walls down and admit to a close friend that they are in trouble. The friend listens intently but has no immediate solution. The next time they see one another, nothing is mentioned and the friend assumes you have it under control. In reality you do not. You go back into your fantasy world and continue to gamble.
Please help me stop gambling
If a friend or family member realizes the struggle you are going through it’s time for them and you to take the initiative and confront the situation. There are self help stop gambling manuals, stop gambling websites and or Gamblers Anonymous. Starting to educate you on compulsive gambling addiction will help in the recovery.
A compulsive gambler needs their family and friends to help them with their struggle to stop gambling. This may be difficult for all involved since the gambler may have borrowed money in good faith and has no means to pay it back. This alone causes a compulsive gambler’s self esteem to decrease. This is also another reason there is a high rate of suicide among pathological gamblers.
Looking at the world out of a compulsive gamblers perspective is unique since there is limited statistical information on this addiction. A compulsive gambler once told me “I didn’t wake up one day and decide to lose everything I had worked the past twenty years for.” The same can be said for many other addictions. Everyone is unique and needs a recovery program tailored specifically to them.
A common fault a compulsive gambler will make usually in their recovery process is participating in a recovery program they can not relate to. This slows down their recovery. They again go back to compulsive gambling.
The gambler needs to start some where. With all the new alternative programs they eventually will find a recovery program which will help to recover. After recovery the gambler can lead a wealthy and healthy life.