Holistic Drug Rehab At An Addiction Treatment Center
Traditional addiction treatment centers will offer only a couple types of drug alcohol treatment methods, usually 12-step meetings and counseling. Luckily for you, RecoveryNowTV is not a traditional addiction treatment center. We provide superior addiction treatment in a ../holistic-drug-rehab-treatment.html”>holistic drug rehab. This means that we use many different drug alcohol treatments to give you the most success in your recovery. As the premier holistic drug rehab in Orange County, California, we offer groundbreaking addiction treatment methods that you can’t find elsewhere. The holistic drug rehab program at RecoveryNowTV offers these ../index.html”>addiction treatment methods in addition to:
- massage and yoga
- music and art therapy
- equine therapy
- acupuncture
- mindful eating lessons and much more
RecoveryNowTV: A Different Kind Of Addiction Treatment
Our holistic drug rehab offers drug alcohol treatment programs in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Through meditation sessions, you’ll learn to quiet your busy mind and calm your nerves. Family therapy sessions will heal wounds left between your loved ones in a helpful and productive atmosphere. Not only will there be in-depth counseling sessions between you and a licensed therapist, but you’ll also learn new ways of interacting with people through our peer therapy groups. Unfortunately, alcoholics and addicts learn to interact with others in dysfunctional ways. Individual and peer therapy sessions help break down these manipulative tendencies so that healthy communication can become a part of your everyday life.
Addiction Treatment As Unique As You
We know that by giving you the most ../drug-alcohol-treatment-essence.html”>drug alcohol treatment options available, we’ll be able to find out what works best for your recovery. You’re an individual with your own personality, history, and goals. That’s why we never try to put you into a box with cookie-cutter recovery methods, where you’re treated like everyone else who came before you. RecoveryNowTV creates a unique addiction treatment plan for each individual who comes to us.