Are you or someone in your life battling an alcohol addiction? Most likely, an addiction has negatively affected you. It can be extremely difficult being, or living with, an alcoholic. Fortunately organizations such as Al-Anon exist to help each other deal with the alcoholics in their lives.
Learn about the philosophy of Al-Anon. According to the Al-Anon official website, the purpose of the organization is for members to “share their own experiences, strength and hope with each other. You will meet others who share your feelings and frustrations, if not your exact situation. We come together to learn a better way of life, to find happiness whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not.”
Decide if you are ready to admit that you cannot handle living or dealing with an alcoholic by yourself. If find that you need help, attend a meeting.
Visit the Al-Anon official website and click the “How do I find a meeting?” link. Then choose the “local information services” option. Next, choose your state or province and click “Go.” Locate chapters of Al-Anon in your area. These listings may include web sites, phone numbers or addresses. You may need to visit your particular state or province’s website or call a toll-free number to find an exact meeting location.
Know what to expect at Al-Anon meetings. Like Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon consists of a 12-step program, as well as service to others. Meetings may include readings from Al-Anon literature, testimonials from members or guest speakers. Most new members are assigned to a sponsor-someone who is like a “big brother” or “big sister.” Sponsors can help newcomers get involved in Al-Anon and to cope with the alcoholic in their lives.
Attend a meeting near you. Meetings are generally designed for those affected by alcoholics only. Anonymity is a major part of Al-Anon’s success.
Congratulate yourself for taking the first step toward admitting that you need help to deal with someone else’s addiction. Instead of privately suffering, you have now become a part of a supportive community that can build you up instead of letting you down.