Teen-Anon started in October 1999 as a spiritual and behavioral program. It helps teenagers between 12 and 19 years old who drink or use drugs and their family members. Anyone whose life has been affected by a teen’s bad choices can find resources and support through Teen-Anon. The program is based on the same 12 steps used by Alcoholics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Alateen, Al-Anon and Narc-Anon.
Go to the Teen-Anon website. There is a plethora of information there, from the basics of the Teen-Anon program to details about addiction (see Resources below).
Contact Teen-Anon to find out if there’s a local group already in existence. Call them at (510) 464-4677. Give them your city and state so they can look it up in their files.
Ask your doctor, therapist or drug counselor for information on Teen-Anon. He should have connections with someone who runs a group or knows of one.
Search online for a local group. You can also try calling an Al-Anon group for a referral.
Learn the 12 steps. They include asking God to remove your short-comings, admitting when you’re wrong and admitting you’re powerless over your addiction.