Many parents don’t understand that their teen could be abusing drugs that are unknown to them. inhalants is because they are very easy to obtain. You have talked with your teen about the risks of using drugs, but didn’t discuss the misuse of chemicals at home. These chemicals range from paints to glues and you would be surprised at how quickly they can alter a person’s consciousness. It also can cause dizziness and nausea. What’s happening isn’t a controlled chemical reaction, it is a poisoning of the body and the body is trying to shut itself down so it no longer absorbs the chemical.
Another major side effect from using inhalants is brain damage. The chemicals found in house hold paint and gasoline are so powerful that they can cause brain damage instantaneously. Another risk that takes place is that an individual will have these chemicals in their body for years. For a teen that is still growing, this can be especially troublesome. No side effects maybe noticed until later in a person’s life. It might come up when they develop a cancer or another disease that can attributed to the dangerous chemicals they inhaled.