Overview of Session 7: Skill Topic 5, Problemsolving
Total Time: 1 hour
Delivery Method: CBT-focused individual therapy
Materials (form is at the end of this section):
• Problemsolving (form 7A)
• Large paper, posterboard, or dry-erase board to diagram problemsolving steps
Goals for This Session:
• To introduce a strategy for solving problems
• To apply the problemsolving approach to marijuana use and related problems
• To prepare for termination of treatment
Session Outline:
1. Discuss the importance of solving problems
• Explain that problem situations result in use when people think they have no effective coping responses to handle them
2. Describe problemsolving skills
• Recognize the problem
• Identify or elaborate the problem
• Consider various approaches
• Select the most promising approach
• Evaluate effectiveness
3. Practice problemsolving skills
• Work through the process, identifying and applying problemsolving skills
• Role play solutions and evaluate effectiveness
4. Assign between-session exercise
5. Review and conclude session