Form 7A
Here is a brief list of the steps in the problemsolving process:
• Is there a problem? Recognize that a problem exists. We get clues from our bodies, our thoughts and feelings, our behaviors, our responses to other people, and the ways that other people respond to us.
• What is the problem? Identify the problem. Describe the problem as accurately as you can. Break it into manageable parts.
• What can I do? Consider various approaches to solving the problem. Brainstorm to think of as many solutions as you can. Consider acting to change the situation; consider changing the way you think about the situation.
• What will happen if . . . ? Select the most promising approach. Consider all the positive and negative aspects of each approach, and select the one most likely to solve the problem.
• How did it work? Assess the effectiveness of the selected approach. After you have given the approach a fair trial, determine whether it worked. If it did not, consider what you can do to improve the plan, or give it up and try one of the other approaches.
Practice Exercise
Select a problem that does not have an obvious solution. Describe it accurately. Brainstorm a list of possible solutions. Evaluate the possibilities, and number them in order of your preference.
Identify the problem: ___________________________________________________________
List brainstorming solutions: _____________________________________________________