For many people, drinking alcohol is a social activity that adds to life’s enjoyment. When alcohol consumption is limited to about 1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for men, it can be enjoyed with few negative consequences. Unfortunately, a large segment of the population finds it difficult to drink in moderation. According to the National Institute of Health, over 17 million adults in America abuse alcohol or are alcoholics. There are also millions of Americans who indulge in binge drinking, a habit that can have serious health and safety consequences.
If you’ve ever wondered if you or a loved one is a candidate for alcoholism rehab.
Admitting that alcohol is a problem is never easy, but since alcoholism is a progressive disease that worsens over time, it is important to seek help as soon as possible. There are a wide variety of alcoholism rehab programs available. Thanks to the wealth of resources available online, it is easier than ever to find an alcohol treatment program that is an ideal fit for an individual’s resources and condition.