When an addict decides it’s time to enter rehab, the first step is to choose what type of treatment program is best. There are advantages to both outpatient and inpatient substance abuse programs, but inpatient is usually the best choice for addicts whose problems are particularly severe and long-lasting. The treatment in inpatient substance abuse programs is much more comprehensive and intensive, which provides a greater chance of success for addicts who need to escape their patterns of substance abuse and live in a safe environment for a while.
For addicts with severe drug or alcohol problems, there are additional advantages of inpatient programs, including:
- Safe detox: Certain substance addictions (including alcoholism and opiate addiction) create particularly severe withdrawal symptoms for the quitting addict, and it’s helpful to be able to detox under the supervision of doctors and treatment professionals. While there is no such thing as a detox that is completely free of discomfort, inpatient treatment makes this stage must easier.
- Constant care: When you’re staying in an