Let’s say that you have accepted the fact that your husband has an alcohol problem, and now recognize that you must do something to make him realize that fact as well. He is in denial, which is not at all uncommon when someone is a substance abuser. However, his alcoholism has begun to have an impact on the entire family, as well as his ability to perform at work. As a result you have determined that your best course of action is an alcohol intervention.
You have already selected the people who love and care about your husband to participate with you in this intervention. It is important to have people who your husband respects as part of the team in order to penetrate the denial and barriers that he is likely to put up. If his alcohol use has indeed impacted his ability to work, you might consider asking someone he respects at work to be part of the alcoholism intervention team.
After research and careful planning, you are preparing for the event with the assistance of an