Sober living homes are also commonly referred to as halfway houses, and are designed to be transitional living for recovering addicts and alcoholics coming out of an addiction recovery program, prior to complete reintegration to society. Part of the nature of drug and alcohol addiction is to cause addicts to lose touch with healthy behaviors and coping mechanisms to everyday situations and stresses. The disease of addiction creates complicated and dangerous behavioral patterns that eventually become the everyday part of life and the addict’s normal response to stress. Drug and alcohol rehab programs work on teaching recovering addicts ways of dealing with stress without drugs, and allowing themselves to make healthy lifestyle choices that will allow sobriety and continued recovery.
Transitional Sober Living
It takes effort everyday to continue along the path of recovery. For many addicts and alcoholics, the short duration of most treatment programs is not enough time to fully integrate the new coping strategies and stress management lessons. In general, a short stay in a rehab program is enough time to physically escape the addiction, and begin the process of recovery, but many people need more time in a supportive environment before they can reintegrate with society. Transitional sober living homes are important to these people, as they serve as such an invaluable tool in recovery after treatment.
Sober Living
For the most part, home living sober involves an apartment style or group home settings that house several recovering addicts and alcoholics trying to maintain their new sobriety after completing a treatment program. Many sober living homes require recovering addicts to complete a minimum of 30 days in treatment before they can be accepted to reside at a facility. Sober living homes are a good transitional step on the road back to society.